Photo Retakes!...sort of...

Well...sort of. Mom though it would be fun to try and retake some of the photos she posted on Tuesday to show juuuuust how much I've grown.

First up, me and my skunk! it's not exactly a cute picture of me cuddling with Sir Stinks-A-Lot on the couch...I wasn't in a cuddly sleep mood! I wanted to play! So I took him and ran...and mom just followed with the camera until I settled. looking cute in Mom's lap!

...not quite the same, is it? This is the best she could get of a dozen or more. Maybe she should try again after a nice long walk (HINTHINTMOM!LETSGO!).


  1. They don't stay puppies very long, do they? He looks like an absolute joy!

  2. You don't fit in your mom's lap too good anymore, Wesley. We used to have a stinky skunk just like that but we loved him to death by tugging on him too much. oops!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly


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