The day before had been all windy and grey, with a craaazy number of people on the beach. Our last day there, Sunday, was gorgeous! Mom wanted to go over into Cape May to see the lighthouse, and so we off we went! We got there and, wow! The beach by the condo may have been pretty empty, but here at the Cape May lighthouse there were lots of people! It looked like it was some sort of event, lots of people with lots of big, made-mom-jealous cameras. Apparently there's a bird and wildlife refuge right there next to the beach, which is what mom thinks the even had to do with. We stayed away from the people and went right out to the beach area and began walking. There were a few places up the beach from the water were there were patches of tall grass. It was kinda cool. And then there was this big thing: ..whoa. Keep Off? Make me! Mom says it's called a bunker and it was built back during something she call...