Tuesday Tweets

Last week on Tuesday we told you about the bird feeders mom put up in the yard. At the end we sort of debated on Tuesday Tweets or Feather Friend Friday.

We decided on Tuesday Tweets since the original post was Tuesday and well...why not just continue on from there?

So here are some of the various birds that have come to entertain us eat at the feeders this past week.
We've had a few handsome blue jays.

A Carolina Wren.

Some Downy Woodpeckers.

A couple of finches.

A lovely lady Cardinal, with her friend the Chickadee.

And, of course, her handsome male counterpart and his friend the Tufted Titmouse.

A Nuthatch. 

A Red-Bellied Woodpecker.

Some Mourning doves and juncos.

Mom laughs at this photo. Does that little Junco look like a bird-y security guard to you? 'You wanna get to the doves, you gotta go through me first!

Next week for Tuesday Tweets, mom is debating on having me and Honey pick out one of the species of birds showing up here and having us share some facts about it.

I think it sounds like BOOOORING it may be kinda of fun...maybe...big maybe...

What do my furiends think? Are there any birds in the photos about you think you'd like to know a little about?


  1. We could watch those bird feeders for hours
    Lily & Edward

  2. OMCs you have the exact same birds on your Bird TVee channel that I do...except we've had a pair of
    Rufus Sided Towhees too.
    Great photos
    Hugs madi your bfff and mom

  3. We love allll birds here!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo

  4. What great birds you are getting! What is it that the wren is eating?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. You sure have a great variety of birds at your feeders. We would love to learn more about them.

  6. We wish we could have a bird feeder but our kitty would eat the birds!
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  7. oooh that is great to have a bird feeder.. it's like watching tv :o) you have so much beautiful and colorful berds... ours are mostly gray or brown or black... I would like to see some red ones or blue ones...

  8. Love those beautiful Woodpeckers!!! Great pictures you took. The colors of all the birds look so real!!!

  9. You feed alot of birds, how cool is that. stella rose

  10. The birdies photos are just gorgeous! Mom know so many peeps who don't like BlueJays because they're mean but they're so beautiful!


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