
Mom and I did a little spring exploring yesterday in the woodsy area behind my poppa's house. It's not overgrown yet so it's easy to walk through. There's a little pond there and mom wanted to see if there were any turtles or ducks hanging around that she photograph. 

Well with the way mom was tromping through the dead leaves and whatnot the ducks that were there heard her loooong before she even got close and took off, if there were turtles they were gone by the time she got close as well. 

Which left just me and mom and the pond. 

And there was this nice little slope-y rock there I thought to use to get in closer to inspect the water...

...well, I may have underestimated the slope-y-ness of the rock and gotten a wee bit to close because a moment later...

And with the edge being to steep I couldn't get myself out. Which of course gave mom the time she needed to get pictorial memory of the moment before she helped haul me out. 

I did my best to shake off the muck and gross but not my best enough to get out of having to have a bath as soon as we got back into the house. 

And now, insult to injury...mom says she's made a grooming appointment for me for Monday. 



  1. You look pretty pleased about your quick dip! The muckier the better! Although I suppose it may not be worth it when a bath is at stake...

  2. Pawrents and their cameras. We're glad that pond wasn't deeper. You could have been in strife while she aimed the camera! We understand that.

    A bath today and grooming on Monday?! That's rough.

  3. That stoopid camera always appears when we don't need it to!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. WHY do Peeps insist on taking pictures of us in Less than Flattering situations.
    SO sorry about the Baff that Followed.... and the Groomering to come.

  5. Nefur efur has any such thing efur happened to me. OK, well mebbe a few times.

  6. OF COURSE you Moms had to gets a pic of you befores she got you outta the muck!!! OMD, Moms and their humiliating pic takin'!!! You knows what you gots to do? YOu gots to take her flashy beast into the bathroom and catch her in the shower! That'll show her!!!
    Sorry abouts the spa day...
    Ruby ♥

  7. OF COURSE you Moms had to gets a pic of you befores she got you outta the muck!!! OMD, Moms and their humiliating pic takin'!!! You knows what you gots to do? YOu gots to take her flashy beast into the bathroom and catch her in the shower! That'll show her!!!
    Sorry abouts the spa day...
    Ruby ♥


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