Nearly healed up

Yup, it's true! That big nasty puncture wound is almost all healed up...which is a very good thing. 

What's NOT a very good thing, is that on Tuesday Mom took me over to see Aggie.

Aggie, the torturer groomer. 

Mom was a little worried and on Monday was debating on canceling my appointment and remaking it for the following week - but she spoke with Aggie who promised to be VERY careful...and she was!

Mom is very glad that she decided to not reschedule...something about me starting to smell kind of ripe. BOL 


  1. That is great news Wesley! and glad the torture session went well
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  2. What great news about being all healed up...but sorry to hear about the grooming thing!
    Yu do look pretty spiffy though!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  3. Glad you're healin up. Da groomin on da udder paw . . .

  4. RIPE???? WHAT???? OMD, I bets you worked REALLY hard to gets that essence going!!! Why, oh why, do peeps thinks we stink all the times??! Oh wait, I bets that's just me...okays, well, I am part water dog, so I blame the Otterhound in the Airedale lineage!! (that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!!)
    Anyhu, you look FABulous Wesley! And you can't even tell where that mean doggie got you! yea!!!
    Ruby ♥

  5. Hmmmmmmmm, we think you're still recuperating and shouldn't be subjected to torture...just our opinion. Glad you're healing.

  6. Yay - we are so happy to hear that you're almost back to 100%, Wesley!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  7. That's great news, so glad you've nearly healed got sent to the furstealer as a reward!?! just sooooo unfair!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx


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