Amanda here. This blog (and my own...) have fallen to the wayside once again. I've been through a long period of just...blah and not wanting to. Wesley now stays with Chris, and that has definitely pulled me down because I miss having my little guy with me at home in PA. He's doing well and just fine...and most of all is SAFE here in NJ. When I'm over Chris' I make sure we get in plenty of play and cuddle time. Just this morning we went out for early morning fall walks...which resulted in early morning fall baths as well... It's been a bit more then two months since my last post, and just as long since I've done anything like poke my nose around in Blogville. Blogville is just such a wonderful, happy place and I myself just wasn't feeling that I pulled us back from it. I feel myself swinging back out of the pit I've been in though, and I'm hoping to be able to post more here and involve more within Blogville again soo...